Monday Jun 10, 2024
ModChat 121 - A Kernel Exploit for Xbox One & Series is Incoming
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
A solo topic episode of ModChat, this time around focusing on some exciting developments around the Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles resulting in a kernel exploit for SystemOS! We talk about what exactly this exploit is, what we can expect, what this will NOT accomplish, and some steps to get your own Xbox One or Xbox Series console prepared.
Wednesday May 08, 2024
ModChat 120 - PPPwn Kernel Exploit Released for PS4 11.00
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
A mostly PS4 centric episode here thanks to the release of PPPwn, a new entrypoint AND kernel exploit for all PS4 consoles working up to firmware 11.00! Unlike other entrypoints we've seen which utilize WebKit or BD-J, this one is a whole new entrypoint over Ethernet utilizing an old FreeBSD PPPoE exploit from 2006. Aside from the PPPwn related releases, we also take a look at an open-source original Xbox communicator called Hawk. Finally, we have a fantastic crossover for all of the DOOM loving Persona 5 fans out there: DOOMSona!
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Starting off with a new piece of homebrew for the PS4 which allows modified PS4 owners to watch 3D videos on their 3D enabled displays or even PSVR headsets! The original Xbox gets some more love with the release of Xbox Content Archive Tool and the Halo 2 HD patch, the latter of which allows for Halo 2 to run at proper 480p or of course HD resolutions natively. We also cover a lack of MIG Switch updates, news of a clone device called the UnlockSwitch... All coming back to MIG Switch? PSP also gets a ton of love with the Aiseirigh unbricker finally being released for ALL models of the PSP, along with a new cIPL and a new release of Despertar del Cementario which also all work on ALL models!
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
ModChat 118 - Halo 2 Back Online, RP2040 Xbox Modchip, PS3 4.91 Update, Yuzu Lawsuit
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
A bit of a late episode this month, but we have a jam packed one! Tons of original Xbox news this time around with an HD patch for Halo 2 in the works on top of Halo 2 being back online on Insignia. Unlocking orphaned hard drives for the original Xbox becomes easier thanks to PrometheOS. We also see an awesome advancement for Xbox modchips with Modxo, a script which allows custom Xbox BIOS to be flashed to a RP2040! The PS3 is still getting updates almost 18 years later in the form of 4.91 so we cover the firmware update as well as the latest custom firmware released for it, PS3HEN, HFW, and PS3 Toolset all updated for 4.91 support. The bulk of this episode here goes over the start, and finish, of the lawsuit against the Yuzu team.
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Just a couple of topics for this episode of ModChat, but we're going big with a throwback to the original Xbox having a true breakthrough entrypoint in the form of the appropriately named ENDGAME. This works on all stock Dashboards, kernels, and can be launched directly from the Dashboard using only a storage device. No hotswapping, soldering, teardowns, or games needed! Show and tell is prevalent this episode as we walk through a setup of ENDGAME on a stock Xbox and show what it can be capable of. We also see a pretty awesome announcement showing the PlayStation Portal is now running Android apps natively. Finally, as a fun mod to cover, and old Fallout: New Vegas mod has been recovered which might have you rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' with joy.
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Getting two episodes in this month! First of all covering a project related to the Wii which is a Wii Shop revival service. Going back to the PSP, this covers the Kirk ROM being dumped, which is the console's encryption/decryption engine. The original PlayStation gets some love, in the form of the NetYaroze's Access Card being reverse engineered! Xenium modchip owners can celebrate a new development with the release of PrometheOS, a free and open-source replacement operating system for the chip itself. There's many ways to dump GBA games, but have you ever thought a GBA game could dump itself through a crash? Finally, we get some awesome looking screenshots we haven't seen before of an early prototype of the Switch System Menu!
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
First episode of 2024 so we had to fill it up with plenty of topics to kick off the new year properly! First of all being an upcoming tease for the Evilnat 4.90.2 CFW allowing for decryption of encrypted PS3 ISOs on the console itself. Movian M7 gets a library update on the PS3, as well as a few other fixes that should offer improvement for anyone currently using Movian. We get a few Mig Switch updates, one of them being more of a reveal of the Mig Dumper! The XL HDD and XL USB patches make a return for the Xbox 360, with this update combining the two to make it possible to have up to 48 TB of storage on a single console! DeckHD gets some nicer open-source support with BiosMaker being released. Another awesome Android game comes to PS Vita with the latest port of SoulCalibur being released. The Sega Saturn also gets some love both with a hidden Clockwork Knight 2 code and a HUGE update to Pseudo Saturn Kai! We also touch up on Portal 64's takedown, and finally a brief look at a quite rare Xbox 360 console meant for testing.
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Only a couple topics for this final ModChat episode of 2023, but a couple big ones here with a lot to discuss! The first one being a flashcart for the Switch of all consoles, first teased and then revealed with much more detail. It seems this device will allow Switch owners to play game backups in XCI format on any model of the Switch, any firmware, without any modifications to the console itself! We also covered Itemzflow booting up PS5 game backups on jailbroken PS5 consoles, but it looks like Itemzflow has been released for PS5. This means PS5 game backups and native PS5 homebrew apps are now working on jailbroken PS5 consoles! Finally, an old 3DS leak gets answered, proving that if someone says their parent works for Nintendo they might not be lying after all. Enjoy this final episode of 2023!
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
ModChat 113 - Xbox CPU Interposer Open Sourced, Xbox Controller Restriction Bypassed
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
The PS5 gets a bit of love this episode of ModChat, this time around for stock consoles it seems that owners are wanting to integrate into their Home Assistant workflow! The legendary 1.4 GHz CPU upgrade for the original Xbox comes closer to being publicly known with open sourced CPU interposer boards being released. We have not one, but TWO different types of PSP unbricker news! The first one being a new take on the Baryon Sweeper hardware, but ported over to a RP2040 microcontroller. The second one being a tease from Davee's upcoming unbricker software which will successfully install the latest official firmware on any PSP you can get into Service Mode. Meaning it will work for the old Pandora's Battery configurations and newer Baryon Sweeper implementations! Microsoft's block on third party controllers and accessories on the Xbox platform might have been successfully bypassed thanks to some clever tinkering and using an official controller as a donor or relay of sorts. Finally, ever wanted the font from the Xbox 360 Blades Dashboard on newer Dashboards? Well now that's made a bit easier thanks to a post and release covering how to do so!
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Starting off this episode with another PS1 English translation patch, this one being released for the game Addie no Okurimono. Game Boy Advance lovers can rejoice knowing they can replicate some original PCBs thanks to the original boards being reverse engineered and released for free on GitHub! The PS5 gets some big updates, one being for bd-jb now updated to work up to firmware 7.61 for disc based consoles. We also have a big proof of concept teased showing PS5 game backups running for the first time on a modified PS5! We highlight an interesting addition to Insignia Live, with that being the Xbox Video Chat application being revived. Even better, if you can't get an original Xbox webcam, would you believe that with a couple modifications you can use a PS2 EyeToy camera on the Xbox? If that's not enough off the wall modifications to add into this episode, we also check out a prototype proof of concept of what could have been if Metal Gear Solid 2 released on the Dreamcast.